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What’s Your Next Level?

As Trailblazers, you're choosing your own unique path to success at a whole new level.
These resources will give you the courage and guidance to blaze a brave new trail.

Update Your Assumptions to Play a Bigger Game (Live Coaching Niiamah Ashong)

It is brave to evolve and change your life to be more in alignment with who you are. Not only do you need to decide who you are and what your passions are, but you then also need to deal with the challenges to make this change. 

Holly Sullivan is in a field that doesn’t appeal to her anymore and desires something else, but what is that something else? Watch as Holly identifies where her passions lie.

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Energy Behind Hustle and Flow – Nemo Ashong (Live Coaching Conversation)

In my discussion with  Dr. Sarah Coxon an experienced ex-archeologist, she gives her definition of the word hustle and brings insight to the pressure that comes with the term. Society has made it seem like if you aren’t getting results, you aren’t focused enough, and yet what she and others out there want is to feel free to achieve a flow that makes everything happen in a seamless motion.

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Choice within Judgement (Live Coaching Niiamah Ashong)

We live in a world where diversity sets us apart and can at times cause judgment. As pioneers, being different is part of the game. Our aspirations to create sets us apart from the rest of the world. This coupled with past experiences and daily challenges can bring about internal and external criticism that can cause us to stagnate in our current playing fields. 

During this conversation with high performing pioneers Stacy and Kai, we openly embrace where they are vulnerable in life and explore the judgments that may be hindering their growth.

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Wholistic Success and Excitement (Live Coaching Niiamah Ashong)

As pioneers, we strive to achieve the next level.

A reality once achieved, quickly becomes the norm and we find ourselves wanting to get the next goal. This never-ending cycle keeps the game we are playing quite exciting. However, it can also cause the scales in some other areas of our lives to become a little imbalanced.

So, how do you as an Outlier, Maverick or Pioneer achieve wholistic success in all aspects of your life?

Today’s conversation features a fellow Pioneer and Maverick, Vicky Vaswani, who is a top player in his field as he defines for us what success is according to him and navigates what his next level of success would include.

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