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Niiamah Ashong

Use What Makes You Different to
Make Your Difference.

As Trailblazers, you’re choosing your own unique path to success at a whole new level. These resources will give you the courage and guidance to blaze a brave new trail.

Connect With Like-Hearted Peers!

Participate in powerful conversations, coaching, and community to support your journey of blazing your own unconventional trail to success and impact.

Turn Your Mission to Movement with Outlier's Edge Guild - Free Membership!

Surround yourself with top-performing leaders and entrepreneurs, championing each other to elevate your game, business, and impact.

Join our curated a group of MULTI-DIMENSIONAL, MULTI-TALENTED leaders, so you can finally be lifted up by others who play as big of a game or bigger than you.

*** What’s Inside Outlier’s Edge Guild ***

💰 Weekly Mastermind Workshops w/ Small Group Breakouts ($1,997/mo Value)

💰 1-1 Personalized Roadmap Onboarding Call ($997 Value)

🎁 Bonus: Outlier Advantage Deep Dive ($2,997 Value)

🎁 Bonus: Thought Leadership Deep Dive ($2,997 Value)

🎁 Bonus: Profitable Impact Deep Dive ($2,997 Value)

Total Value: $11,985. Now For $0!

You got this, and we got you! Join Now👇

Join Me And Find Your Tribe of Outliers

I wasn’t always the Niiamah you see today…

There were no Facebook Lives. I’d never think of naming a website after myself. And you had better believe I wouldn’t dream of running a community full of Outliers.

Why? Because “fitting in” was a task that took up all of my time and energy.

It took me a long time to embrace the fact that, yes, I’m an Outlier–one of the only–and that, my friend, is when everything changed for me.

If you consistently find yourself one of the only, one of the first, or one of a kind, I have good news for you.

  1. You’re NOT alone (in fact, you’ve stumbled upon a community of the most high-achieving members of the club right here).
  2. You’re meant to blaze incredible and brave new trails. You just need to embrace your strengths and let them shine).

This community of Outliers is full of powerful people accomplishing extraordinary goals.

Uniting this community has become my life’s passion, and I’d like to tell you more about it and perhaps invite you to become a part of it.

Hear What Outliers Say About Working with Niiamah Ashong

Hey, Niiamah I just wanted to say thank you so much for your powerful coaching. The insights that I’ve gotten through our conversations have had a ripple effect that will carry on indefinitely for the rest of my life.

– Steve

I’m Alisa, I’m a vision-producer. I help powerful women gain clarity to cast their vision, create a strategy and then make it happen. I couldn’t have done any of this without Niiamah Ashong. Niiamah helped me to figure out all the parts of me and be okay with all of them

-Alisa M.

Niiamah, I want to say thank you for serving me and coaching me. I came to you the time when I just started my business. I used to overwhelm myself with big missions. But for our time together you really helped me gain clarity and go back to those small steps to support my bigger missions.

– Gilad K.

I’m about to make a really bold statement, but I mean it with all my heart. I have spent time with so many coaches and the best coach in the world, I can say with confidence, is Niiamah Ashong. He is somebody who has opened up so many doors to me for myself where I get to show up as a leader in ways I never knew was possible.

– Rachel S.

Prepare For Your Next Journey, Get Ready To Take Your Next Mountain On!

If you’re ready to go from good to great, and play a bigger game than you’ve ever played before, let’s talk!

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Copyright 2023 © Niiamah Ashong

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