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What’s Your Next Level?

As Trailblazers, you're choosing your own unique path to success at a whole new level.
These resources will give you the courage and guidance to blaze a brave new trail.

Next Level Masterclass – Session 4 – Overcoming Barriers to Achieving Your Next Level

We know where we are heading.  We can visualise our Next Level, so today we need to spend some time on working out what will be the barriers and costs of playing at our Next Level.

As I share with you some of my experiences of moving into my Next Level, I want you to identify what your barriers or costs maybe, because moving forward with your eyes wide open will allow you to accept the costs and reap the rewards of the benefits.

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Next Level Masterclass – Session 2 Recap

Each session of the Next Level Masterclass gives me a boost of vigour. I know my fellow group members feel the same.  I am just going to spend a few minutes sharing some of that energy and insights with you.  

Being prepared to do the work to get to your Next Level is not easy.  This game impacts you in many different ways and on many different levels.  In our sessions we experience some vulnerable and tender triggers, but that light that shines through is exhilarating.  I encourage you to come and play and experience some of this self-altering experience.

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Hidden Traps Keeping You at Your Same Level

I approach my movement and business as a block arrow (imagine a triangle sitting on top of a vertical rectangle). The triangle and the tip reflects my vision and insights of leadership aligned with the World Joy Movement (my brand), and the rectangle houses all the supporting money-generating businesses (my business).

This gives me a container to talk about the variety of subjects that consititute change leadership while serving clients through more specific solutions.

As I share my business approach, I encourage you to consider as an Outlier, Pioneer, Maverick stepping into your leadership role, how does your arrow look like right now?

What would make up the tip and the shaft of your arrow if you were to play at your next level?

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The hidden costs of thinking medium

I approach my movement and business as a block arrow (imagine a triangle sitting on top of a vertical rectangle). The triangle and the tip reflects my vision and insights of leadership aligned with the World Joy Movement (my brand), and the rectangle houses all the supporting money-generating businesses (my business).

This gives me a container to talk about the variety of subjects that consititute change leadership while serving clients through more specific solutions.

As I share my business approach, I encourage you to consider as an Outlier, Pioneer, Maverick stepping into your leadership role, how does your arrow look like right now?

What would make up the tip and the shaft of your arrow if you were to play at your next level?

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