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What’s Your Next Level?

As Trailblazers, you're choosing your own unique path to success at a whole new level.
These resources will give you the courage and guidance to blaze a brave new trail.

15: The 3 X-Factors that differentiate candidates regardless of tech background (Patrick Burke, Senior Director of Product and Analytics, Scientific Games Interactive)

We’re not about following the same path to success as others. We’re about finding the best path for you and blazing a trail where you don’t have to compete with others to transition into tech. Instead, you’re in a whole league of your own.

Patrick Burke, our featured Empjoyee today, shares his views on what really makes people enter their our differentiated league as well as what holds many qualified people from progressing forward in interviews.


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14: Take action and Book your Theater to Bring your Career in Tech Dreams to Life Faster (Alli Goldberg, Co-founder,

“Follow your passion” is a common phrase people say when it comes to pursuing a new role. That’s all well and good, but how does that translate when you feel that your passion has nothing to do with technology?

Alli Goldberg, today’s featured Empjoyee makes it clear that there really can be an intersection between what you love and technology. And if you’re having a hard time finding it out there already, then you can create the future you want for yourself.

Alli and her friend Jen Jamula co-founded, a comedy organization focused on the intersection of theater and technology.


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12: Delivering Great Results for Clients in High-Stakes Situations (Sam Port, Creative Director – Proscenium)

You’ve done it – it’s your time to shine, and the pressure is on. The question is do you sink or swim? (Spoiler: You’re an Empjoyee – You swim!)

How do you:

Handle the high-stakes situations that come with switching careers and progressing in your career?
Find a way to bring your best self to work and do your best work when you only have one chance to get it right?
Come back from a mistake or misunderstanding in a project so that you can deliver on project and customer goals?
Today, you’ll get insight into how you can perform at your best in high-stake situations through the Sam Port’s career journey.

Sam has pursued multiple careers in his life from amusement park operations, to acting and producing, to his current role as Creative Director at Proscenium where he designs and executes large-scale live experiences for some of the largest brands in the US.


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11: Turning a 7 year Gap into Tech Career Success (Adele Sanchez, VP of Partner Success)

Q: How do you transition into tech when you’ve had a long gap in US employment or have been out of the country for a while?

A: Use what you did during that time to your advantage by incorporating it into your story and your differentiated value proposition.

Our featured Empjoyee, Adele Sanchez did just that as she shares in today’s conversation. This is not intended to be an over-glorification of the gap period, as Adele took steps to make an impact during that time.

Instead, we encourage you to explore how Adele positioned her experience abroad and leveraged it to to her advantage when she returned to the US. And now, you’ll have the opportunity to shape your experiences in a way that works to your advantage too.


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10: Navigating your career in tech through multiple reorgs (Angela Christian, Account Manager – VenueBook)

Re-organizations (more commonly called “re-orgs”) are a common occurrence in tech companies as they grow and adapt to accomplish better meet product and market fit. These reorgs may result in a shift in team structure, priorities, and often the day to day roles.

Knowing how to navigate the ambiguity and ultimately continue to make the most of your time at a company for both you and your employer is an important skill to strengthen in the tech world.

Angela walks us through her journey in tech which more or less starts with a re-org (see Empjoyment glossary) and the steps that she’s taken since to progress in her career and add value. So much value in fact, that she has been able to work remotely between two cities throughout her career.

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