Activating your D&I Program When it’s Needed Most
At 7 pm Eastern tonight (June 24), my friend and colleague Margaret-Ellen Christensen and I will be holding a candid coaching and consulting conversation with leaders in organizations who are looking to activate their Diversity and Inclusion Program When it’s Needed Most.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leading-diversity-and-inclusion-during-crisis-tickets-110264203200
The Question IS the Invitation
In the midst of a global pandemic, we are also taking systemic racism and inequality head on across the globe.
Similar calls to action are being made of companies and leaders by employees and customers alike.
So the question becomes:
How do you answer the call and activate the resources in your organization to rise up to the occasion?
Challenges to answering (or even hearing) the call
It can feel quite daunting especially during times of
a) great uncertainty.
It’s hard to make the right decision during stable times, let alone now.
b) great social unrest.
It’s hard to address difficult topics and systemic racism in all its forms within your organization in stable times, let alone now.
c) great fear for doing the wrong thing – or not getting it EXACTLY right.
it’s hard to say or do something related to identity without offending someone or being called out in stable times, let alone now)
d) great accountability in recognizing just how much work may be needed
It’s hard to be confronted with how much injustice others around you face simply to be in the same conference room as you in stable times, let alone now.
We get it. We’re navigating it ourselves. And have navigated it in through our experiences as People Experience Consultants.
So we’re creating a space for you to bring your real-time, real-world challenges and opportunities to the surface for consulting, coaching, community today at 7 pm Eastern.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leading-diversity-and-inclusion-during-crisis-tickets-110264203200
Answering the Call for Justice with your Employees and Customers
Margaret-Ellen and I led a presentation to a global audience of leaders earlier this month where we laid out the foundation of overcomes the challenges and obstacles leaders face in being meaningfully responsive during times of crisis.
Whether your D&I program is fully robust and persistent or just getting off the ground and ad-hoc, we have experience helping leaders activate their people, programs, and projects in a way that meets the needs of those they serve.
During today’s conversation, we’re going to work with a handful of leaders on their real-time and real-world challenges to help them activate what’s needed for their organization in a tailored fashion.
Join us tonight at 7 pm Eastern
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leading-diversity-and-inclusion-during-crisis-tickets-110264203200
One more thing…
Niiamah here – and I need to say that I’m incredibly excited for tonight’s experience.
Margaret-Ellen and I worked together in at tech company in NYC where were served as People Experience consultants.
It was literally our job to look after the experience of the employees of a global organization -> from cultivating our culture, to championing our values, to supporting leaders within our diversity and inclusion ecosystem.
And now we’re able to come back together to serve you in the most powerful and meaningful way that we can.
If you or someone you know is looking to really activate your organization’s D&I program, come join us today at 7 pm. It’s free but you will need to invest your energy and trade in your comfort for a transformative experience.
Join us tonight at 7 pm Eastern
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leading-diversity-and-inclusion-during-crisis-tickets-110264203200