
Creating a Safe Environment for Change

Change can be intimidating at times, a string of what-ifs creating a blinding curtain of fear. However, the fear of change can come from those around us.

Today’s video focuses on how we break away from the constraints of intimidation to embrace change.

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There is no life without change. The real tragedy is that we are always fearful of change and resist it vehemently.Debashish Mridha

My wife recently made a decision to change her diet and exercise routines. Unfortunately, as she was making this change I was out there passively resisting it.

I wasn’t aware that I was doing it, but there were just certain things that I would conveniently choose not to hear or I would challenge just to see if she was open to the idea of falling off the path.

Not Ready for Change

What dawned on me was that her change was actually going to impact me, not because it meant that I would start eating different food.  What really came up for me was that if she was going to change, then there was no reason why I couldn’t change myself and I wasn’t really ready for that. So in essence, I was resisting that change.

The Obstacles

I love to think of myself as an amazing husband so it’s not fun to go out and share this but at the same time, I know that it serves.

So I want to bring this up for you and ask you where you might be resistant to change: perhaps because you’re not necessarily ready for it or something else is hindering you.

Then on the other side maybe it is a resistance to change that someone else might have brought upon you. What is that one area where you’re looking to make a change, but you are either afraid of someone resisting it, not respecting it or supporting you along the change that you are making?

It might also be the fear that others might look or treat you differently because they are somehow impacted whether they’re aware of it or not.

I love to just leave this here for you to spend some time thinking through and tell me some of the thoughts that come to you and we can continue to explore it.

Change is a Pioneer’s Way of Life

As a pioneer, change is part of the game: it is what we do, we change the status quo, we go on and forge a new future for ourselves and for those that we lead.

So it is important to understand some of the challenges that are keeping us from making that change. We need to proactively spend our energy toward creating the change that we’re looking to do and toward making it safe along the process.

Questions for you

  • What can you do in either of those cases where there’s something that you’re resisting or you’re afraid that others will resist?
  • What can you do to make it safe for those looking into change?
  • What can you do to help them know or make it safe for yourself as well?
  • How do you restore safety in this place where we might be finding resistance to change?

Consider these as questions to live into and share any insights in the comments.

Here’s to your next frontier… Journey On!

The Benefits of Relationships over Connections

I’ve been living in Singapore with my wife Nicole for the last year and a half now, and we have been
having some very real conversations around how we are feeling here.

Through our conversations, we’ve realized that there is a very big difference between connecting with someone and actually relating with someone.

Watch this video to see how to powerfully leverage that difference to impact your business and leadership.

Video Synopsis and Additional Links

What are we looking for? Are we feeling connected, supported and embraced by those around us? What came up was really a conversation around the depth of friendships that we have made here and also in New York.

The Desire to Connect

Whenever I talk to my pioneers out there, I find that this comes up a lot where we operate from a place
of choosing to connect with someone; how do I connect with them? I just want to make a connection.
I’m looking for more connections out there and in figuring out who we need to be in order to connect
better with others.

We end up often missing what we are really looking for. We are really looking to be
seen, to be understood, to be recognized, to be appreciated for who we are and to be able to have
conversations with people who get us.

Connecting Externally

From that perspective, we can get to wherever it is that we are looking to go next and when we choose to
pursue and optimize connectedness, what we end up doing is actually saying; how can we find some common ground between us?

That common ground oftentimes is based on an externality. What job do you have? What are you interested in? Where did you grow up? What places have you traveled and so on and so forth. That comes up a lot in our lives nowadays and it ends up being this thing where people can feel connected.

Then I’ll talk to pioneers who are out there and trying to do something very different in the world and a common theme comes up where others feel like; “I’m not really finding anyone that really stimulates
me, that I really can feel I could be great friends with. I can connect with a lot of people; I’m going out,
I’m having dinners, I’m talking to people, I’m meeting people on a regular basis etc. but we’re not
building a relationship.

Relationships over Connections

I just want to speak a bit about the loneliness of optimizing for a connection because while it’s
something that we are proposing, is it what we’re looking for? What we’ve seen is that we are looking for
something much deeper which is relationship and relatedness.

The difference that I found when it comes to being connected and being related is that when you’re looking to optimize for a connection there’s an external focus but when you’re looking to relate, it’s an internal focus.

What I mean by the internal focus is that there’s a focus on your emotions or focus on how you
feel around things and you’re sharing that openly, you’re allowing your emotions into the conversation because they belong in a real relationship. Only people who really know you may be able to get a chance
to see those emotions.

This is something that I have found to be a complete game-changer as I’ve been meeting people out
here and really being able to be known for who I am and be able to create business relationships and
clients from that perspective.

I have had people reach out to me and invite me into their communities to come and speak and so on because from the very beginning I choose a relationship and not connection.

So I just want to point out this here; if you’re finding that you’re working really hard to fit in or to be
connected, I’m inviting you to stop and instead rather than focusing on the things that will make you
connect externally, go to the things that you internally relate on and allow it to happen.

I’ll be honest with you; it is not easy but the rewards are quite worth it.

Go ahead and let me know about that one place where you found choosing relation over connection has benefited you and we will go on from there.

Here’s to your next frontier –  Journey On!

Gifts Your Fear Brings You

A recent trip raised a sense of fear in me around the magnitude of my mission of bringing together a truly inclusive and empowered world.

This video is about embracing your fears to discover empowering insights that elevate your game!

Video Synopsis and Additional Links

When Fear Presents Itself

In our recent visit to Sri Lanka, my wife and I had the opportunity meet several locals across the country and we got to talk to them about their world.

What struck me was how differently the considered and handled things from politics to religious environments and how their unique culture influenced what brings them together and drives them apart.

My former boss used to say: “Make sure you are not trying to boil the ocean”. That felt very applicable as my fear in the moment was: “how do I live into a mission this large?”

Choose to Embrace the Fear

Doubts expanded in my mind as I wondered:

As the doubts expanded, I wondered: Am I being naïve given that each culture operates from different cultural values? How can I possibily believe that one young leader from the United States can both define inclusion and carry it out in a way that people and cultures across the worlds would embrace.

I know deep down that Niiamah Ashong is not the person who will go forth and change every single one of the seven-plus billion people on this earth’s view on inclusion. I will not change everyone’s mentality when it comes to empowerment and how to really belong in any place that they are so that we can focus on collaboration

Extract the Gifts that Fear Brings

This fear has taught me to reconnect with each of you from a different perspective.

And here’s where the gift lies in all this.

By exploring this fear,  I’ve gotten the clarity that the path for me to make the greatest impact is not in trying to change the hearts and minds of every individual on the planet – it’s in supporting leaders across the world who have missions and visions in alignment with my own to bring their visions to life.

It will be enough to support Pianeers with their leadership, so you can bring it back to a) your communities, b) your teams, c) your businesses, and d) your tribes that you lead.

From there, I’m sure you will be able to inspire other people and continue on – eventually cascading out until, through our collective efforts, every single person is impacted. This realization has come out of fear which gave me a little perspective to get back to what really matters.

The fear actually gave me a chance to anchor myself with what really matters and also give me new strategies in order to approach things going forward.

What this Means for you

This is only one way you explore some of the .  Where else do you feel fear around a mission, an approach of life/business, or a goal of .

Are fear and doubt holding you back from your freedom currently? Use these questions to embrace those fears and discover the gifts within them :

  • What is that fear really saying?
  • How might I approach it differently?
  • Where else is this fear showing up in my life?
  • What insights have I gained for past experiences where I felt like this?
  • What might I already know but have forgotten to allow myself to be successful in the midst of
    this fear?

I am grateful for this fear and now fear less. In supporting you, I’m moving one step closer toward my ultimate mission.

Now, I invite you to lean into fear, explore it, and choose to fear less.

Applying this to you, what is ONE gift one of your fears might be offering you? Leave a comment wherever you are. I’d love to engage in a dialogue with you.

Here’s to your next frontier – Journey on!

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