
Lessons from Anchoring Yourself in Your Amazing Talents | Karena Calhoun & Clara Angelina | Ep 528

“We all supply what the next person needs, that we all have a definitive purpose here on this earth, and if we all step into that purpose, we’ll see a lot of the lack that we see dissipate.” Karina

Join Niiamah (@niiamahashong) as he discusses the fear of playing medium and navigating leveling up with Karina Calhoun and Clara Angelina Diaz Anderson. Learn how to overcome your fears and embrace your journey to the next level.


0:01 – Introductions

1:07 – Clara’s mission

2:49 – Elegant leadership

3:18 – Karina’s mission

6:55 – Playing medium vs small

9:54 – Navigating growth and leveling up

12:13 – Cultivating self-trust

15:43 – Changing language to level up

18:13 – Allowing natural growth

22:38 – Clara’s concluding thoughts

23:56 – Karina’s concluding thoughts

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Lessons from Building a Purpose-Driven Business with Jackson Calame | Ep 527

“Our identity is perfect, meaning our identity is invaluable.” – Jackson Calame

Join Niiamah (@niiamahashong) as he delves into the importance of understanding your identity versus your role with Jackson Calame. Uncover valuable insights on leadership, communication, and creating a positive impact in the world.


0:00 Introduction and welcome
0:45 Jackson’s enthusiasm for the conversation
1:27 Niiamah’s perception of Jackson
3:08 Jackson’s background and experiences
6:13 Discussion on personal growth
11:59 Jackson’s business journey
16:02 Dealing with challenges in business
23:47 Identity vs. role discussion
30:35 Leadership and communication insights
39:27 Balancing reality and optimism
40:33 Exciting current projects
45:32 Ways to connect with Jackson
46:58 Closing remarks

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What 10 Years of Growth Taught Shari Balouchi About Self-Care | Ep 525

“I can use scissors to open up one packet, and I can use scissors to try and cut my curtain, and it’s not as effective. Like the same tools in different contexts, just don’t have the same results.” – Shari Balouchi

Join Niiamah (@niiamahashong) and Shari Balouchi as they share their insights on integrating well-being into the capitalist system and the power of simplicity.


0:00 – Niiamah introduces Shari Balouchi and the topic of well-being.
1:10 – Shari shares her perspective on integrating well-being into the workplace.
4:20 – Niiamah and Shari discuss the contrast between the status quo and the possibilities.
10:20 – Shari talks about the importance of understanding seasons and ebbs and flows.
16:25 – Niiamah shares his own experience with work-life balance and finding the right path.
24:30 – Shari describes the season she is currently in and the process of recalibration.
39:00 – Niiamah and Shari explore the idea of being a “newbie” again and the value of that perspective.
54:00 – Shari shares ways for the audience to connect with her further.

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How to Translate Your Passion into a Fulfilling Life and Career with Marlene Hutchinson | Ep 524

“Music brings people together, sort of like dogs and children. And guitar in particular is so great because it’s so portable, and so you can play guitar anywhere, anytime.” – Marlene Hutchinson

Join Niiamah (@niiamahashong) as he talks with Marlene Hutchinson, who is on a mission to get everyone in the world to play guitar. Discover how Marlene turned her passion into a successful business while staying true to her why.

–Check out the video episode on YouTube!–


00:04 Niiamah introduces the podcast and guest

01:13 Marlene shares her mission

02:27 Marlene’s passion for guitar started

03:52 Marlene’s guitar teaching journey

08:58 Marlene’s transition to workshops and PBS

11:23 Marlene talks about money and business

15:07 Marlene’s building blocks approach to guitar

20:42 Marlene’s persistence and mission-driven approach

26:08 Marlene’s perspective on failure and learning

29:19 Marlene on luck and preparation

31:14 Marlene on setting realistic expectations

33:11 Marlene’s ability to translate passion to life

36:19 How to reach out to Marlene

38:42 Marlene’s message to her future self

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Transform Collaboration into Co-Creation for Deeper Engagement with Jason Doiron | Ep 523

“We spend at least three to five times more time preparing what we are going to host than the actual event itself.” Jason Doiron

Join Niiamah (@niiamahashong) as she explores the intersection of community, conversation, and change with Jason Doiron. Gain valuable perspectives on how to create spaces for diverse voices and collaborative problem-solving.


0:00 Introduction to Jason Doiron
2:25 Discussing genuine creativity and community
3:43 Jason’s background and mission
7:08 Collaboration vs co-creation explained
12:42 Impact of conversation on change
15:59 Preparing for meaningful conversations
21:46 Reflection on takeaways and letting go
25:15 Power of questions without answers
28:45 Invitation to examine your questions
31:36 How Jason’s business operates
36:11 Ways to connect with Jason
37:35 Final thoughts and takeaways

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