
Session 5 – Creating Your Next Level Peers, Teams, and Tribes

Our session looked at the what we need to continue our momentum to significantly make the difference in our business by building a support group not just today, but what we need in the future to express and build our vision to make it come to life.

What we do as a community when we come together is transformational.  We support each other and hold each other accountable, so that we are all getting the results that we want, sometimes results beyond what we though we could get.

As you watch this session I invite you to think about being prepared to play at that Next Level.  If you want to experience your own insights and transformations, with a group of different minded but like-hearted people then we should talk.  

Creating Your Next Level Peers, Teams, and Tribes

In session 5, our final session of the Next Level Masterclass, the focus is on you.  I want you to codify what you have explored so far to ensure that you can continue on your journey of achieving your Next Level.

This session is all about the who! The people that you go on your journey with.  The peers that you lead, and the people that support you.  So come along raise your hand and make sure that you are pulling together all your need to keep on developing your Next Level.

Session 4 – Overcoming Barriers to Achieving Your Next Level

Our session today looked at the many different barriers that show up on our path to our Next Level and we explored this from a number of different ways.

We discovered that your barrier might be the exact thing is fueling you to move forward, or showing you the direction that really holds what it is that you truly want.

As you watch this session I invite you to play with the relationship you have with your barrier, after all it is a gift to help you understand how you can get even more range, and move faster to get you to the Next Level.

Overcoming Barriers to Achieving Your Next Level

We know where we are heading.  We can visualise our Next Level, so today we need to spend some time on working out what will be the barriers and costs of playing at our Next Level.

As I share with you some of my experiences of moving into my Next Level, I want you to identify what your barriers or costs maybe, because moving forward with your eyes wide open will allow you to accept the costs and reap the rewards of the benefits.

Session 3 – What Does Your Next Level Look Like?

We are now mid-way through the Next Level Masterclass, and in this session our group looks at their story.  What is your story, and why do you need to know it and understand it?

Your story allows you to acknowledge who you are now, own your power! When you own your power, you realise not only are you ready for your Next Level, but that in many ways you have and are already playing at your Next Level.  You just need to leverage this power and take it forward!

What does Your Next Level Look Like?

As we approach the third session of this 5-Part Series  Next Level Masterclass we turn to making our Next Level aspiration concrete by sharing this with our group members.  

To do this we need to visualise it and speak it, taking our vision out of head and immediately putting it out into the world.  I share with you my thoughts for this next session. 

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