
The Benefits of Relationships over Connections

I’ve been living in Singapore with my wife Nicole for the last year and a half now, and we have been
having some very real conversations around how we are feeling here.

Through our conversations, we’ve realized that there is a very big difference between connecting with someone and actually relating with someone.

Watch this video to see how to powerfully leverage that difference to impact your business and leadership.

Video Synopsis and Additional Links

What are we looking for? Are we feeling connected, supported and embraced by those around us? What came up was really a conversation around the depth of friendships that we have made here and also in New York.

The Desire to Connect

Whenever I talk to my pioneers out there, I find that this comes up a lot where we operate from a place
of choosing to connect with someone; how do I connect with them? I just want to make a connection.
I’m looking for more connections out there and in figuring out who we need to be in order to connect
better with others.

We end up often missing what we are really looking for. We are really looking to be
seen, to be understood, to be recognized, to be appreciated for who we are and to be able to have
conversations with people who get us.

Connecting Externally

From that perspective, we can get to wherever it is that we are looking to go next and when we choose to
pursue and optimize connectedness, what we end up doing is actually saying; how can we find some common ground between us?

That common ground oftentimes is based on an externality. What job do you have? What are you interested in? Where did you grow up? What places have you traveled and so on and so forth. That comes up a lot in our lives nowadays and it ends up being this thing where people can feel connected.

Then I’ll talk to pioneers who are out there and trying to do something very different in the world and a common theme comes up where others feel like; “I’m not really finding anyone that really stimulates
me, that I really can feel I could be great friends with. I can connect with a lot of people; I’m going out,
I’m having dinners, I’m talking to people, I’m meeting people on a regular basis etc. but we’re not
building a relationship.

Relationships over Connections

I just want to speak a bit about the loneliness of optimizing for a connection because while it’s
something that we are proposing, is it what we’re looking for? What we’ve seen is that we are looking for
something much deeper which is relationship and relatedness.

The difference that I found when it comes to being connected and being related is that when you’re looking to optimize for a connection there’s an external focus but when you’re looking to relate, it’s an internal focus.

What I mean by the internal focus is that there’s a focus on your emotions or focus on how you
feel around things and you’re sharing that openly, you’re allowing your emotions into the conversation because they belong in a real relationship. Only people who really know you may be able to get a chance
to see those emotions.

This is something that I have found to be a complete game-changer as I’ve been meeting people out
here and really being able to be known for who I am and be able to create business relationships and
clients from that perspective.

I have had people reach out to me and invite me into their communities to come and speak and so on because from the very beginning I choose a relationship and not connection.

So I just want to point out this here; if you’re finding that you’re working really hard to fit in or to be
connected, I’m inviting you to stop and instead rather than focusing on the things that will make you
connect externally, go to the things that you internally relate on and allow it to happen.

I’ll be honest with you; it is not easy but the rewards are quite worth it.

Go ahead and let me know about that one place where you found choosing relation over connection has benefited you and we will go on from there.

Here’s to your next frontier –  Journey On!

Gifts Your Fear Brings You

A recent trip raised a sense of fear in me around the magnitude of my mission of bringing together a truly inclusive and empowered world.

This video is about embracing your fears to discover empowering insights that elevate your game!

Video Synopsis and Additional Links

When Fear Presents Itself

In our recent visit to Sri Lanka, my wife and I had the opportunity meet several locals across the country and we got to talk to them about their world.

What struck me was how differently the considered and handled things from politics to religious environments and how their unique culture influenced what brings them together and drives them apart.

My former boss used to say: “Make sure you are not trying to boil the ocean”. That felt very applicable as my fear in the moment was: “how do I live into a mission this large?”

Choose to Embrace the Fear

Doubts expanded in my mind as I wondered:

As the doubts expanded, I wondered: Am I being naïve given that each culture operates from different cultural values? How can I possibily believe that one young leader from the United States can both define inclusion and carry it out in a way that people and cultures across the worlds would embrace.

I know deep down that Niiamah Ashong is not the person who will go forth and change every single one of the seven-plus billion people on this earth’s view on inclusion. I will not change everyone’s mentality when it comes to empowerment and how to really belong in any place that they are so that we can focus on collaboration

Extract the Gifts that Fear Brings

This fear has taught me to reconnect with each of you from a different perspective.

And here’s where the gift lies in all this.

By exploring this fear,  I’ve gotten the clarity that the path for me to make the greatest impact is not in trying to change the hearts and minds of every individual on the planet – it’s in supporting leaders across the world who have missions and visions in alignment with my own to bring their visions to life.

It will be enough to support Pianeers with their leadership, so you can bring it back to a) your communities, b) your teams, c) your businesses, and d) your tribes that you lead.

From there, I’m sure you will be able to inspire other people and continue on – eventually cascading out until, through our collective efforts, every single person is impacted. This realization has come out of fear which gave me a little perspective to get back to what really matters.

The fear actually gave me a chance to anchor myself with what really matters and also give me new strategies in order to approach things going forward.

What this Means for you

This is only one way you explore some of the .  Where else do you feel fear around a mission, an approach of life/business, or a goal of .

Are fear and doubt holding you back from your freedom currently? Use these questions to embrace those fears and discover the gifts within them :

  • What is that fear really saying?
  • How might I approach it differently?
  • Where else is this fear showing up in my life?
  • What insights have I gained for past experiences where I felt like this?
  • What might I already know but have forgotten to allow myself to be successful in the midst of
    this fear?

I am grateful for this fear and now fear less. In supporting you, I’m moving one step closer toward my ultimate mission.

Now, I invite you to lean into fear, explore it, and choose to fear less.

Applying this to you, what is ONE gift one of your fears might be offering you? Leave a comment wherever you are. I’d love to engage in a dialogue with you.

Here’s to your next frontier – Journey on!

35: Every Problem is Solvable (DeVon Lineman – Lead Data Scientist, Forkcast)

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/empjoyment/35_-_Every_Problem_is_Solvable_DeVon_Lineman_Lead_Data_Scientist_-_Forkcast.mp3″ social_gplus=”false” social_linkedin=”true” ]


DeVon Lineman is no stranger to bad news. Despite completing all of the coursework to obtain a bachelor’s AND master’s degree in mathematics, financial difficulties prevented him from earning either.

He approached the problem like any game or sport: with persistence, creativity, and attention to detail. Today, he is the Lead Data Scientist at Forkcast where he builds machine learning algorithms using the technical skills he taught himself.

Listen to today’s episode as DeVon shares his love for problem solving, how it’s gotten him to where he is today, and how he continues to diligently overcome all the obstacles that stand in his path.


Subscribe to listen to this episode as we discuss how to:

  • Use strategy in all situations – become even more effective through approaching problems in life and work as strategy games
  • Make assumptions to become a better communicator and a more valuable team member in the midst of uncertainty and problem-solving
  • See failure as the doorway to success, rather than the opposite of success

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Apply to every position you’d be happy to get. It’s their job to decide if you’re good enough – not yours.
  • Your problem has a solution. It might not be your favorite option, but the answer exists. Adopting this mindset will make you more capable and more resilient.
  • Put yourself in positions to get lucky. Create as many avenues for chance to work in your favor as possible.

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

DeVon believes that all problems have solutions, and that life becomes more interesting and more joyful when we remind ourselves of this.

So let’s honor that with our first ever: SOLUTIONS WEEK!

For the next week, when you find yourself uncomfortable, distressed, and overwhelmed, remember that this too has a solution and resolve to find it.

Identify your objective, and create a framework of assumptions to operate within.  Act swiftly and with purpose. Does this feel different? Are you more capable and joyful when you turn problems into puzzles

#Joyney35: Share your experience with your Solutions week dedicated to being solutions-minded with us in the Empjoyment Community!


Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: DeVon Lineman!

DeVon Lineman studied Mathematics at Stevens Institute of Technology and works in data science and business analytics.
DeVon started as a data analyst for Fidelis SecureCare, Inc. in Detroit, Michigan.
He is currently the Lead Data Scientist at Forkcast, Inc. in Hoboken, NJ.

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

If you find this podcast helpful, we would greatly appreciate if you took a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to helping new Empjoyees know that this is a podcast that really has their interest at heart. Plus, we read each and every one personally!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes to make sure that you never miss an episode, share the episode with one person you know who would benefit from today’s episode, and let us know if you’d like to share your story as a featured Empjoyee to help others learn from your experience too.

34: How to Win the “Numbers Game” and Reinvent Yourself (Andrew Ash – Software Engineer, Amazon)

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/empjoyment/34-_How_to_Win_the_Numbers_Game_and_Reinvent_Yourself_Andrew_Ash_-_Software_Engineer_Amazon.mp3″ social_gplus=”false” social_linkedin=”true” ]


Resetting your career to pursue a life of your design provides its challenges. Those challenges are unique to each individual, but there are certainly frameworks we can utilize to help guide our progress to overcome them.

Andrew Ash shares his most powerful framework, which we’ll call “Playing the Numbers Game” for us on today’s episode. You’ll get the opportunity to see how playing this game has led him from a career as an actor in New York City to creating a new life of Empjoyment as soon-to-be-married Software engineer at Amazon in Seattle.


Subscribe to listen to this episode as we discuss how to:

  • Determine your transferable skills from a prior role, industry, company to your new opportunity
  • Utilize several tools to get clarity on how to figure how that you want from your work experiences
  • Prepare for your interview based on the specific roles you’re looking for rather than general readiness

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Your greatest gift and ability as a person isn’t any particular skill but rather than you can reinvent yourself overnight whenever and how often you choose
  • Maximize your job search efforts by figuring out what you want from your next role, identifying the gaps that you have to get there, and then ignoring the distractions and suggestions that don’t align
  • Approach your bootcamp decision based on whether what you’ll get based on reported statistics actually will get you to where you want to be

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

Andrew encourages to picture EXACTLY what we want from our work and life. Not what is easy. Not what you feel you should want. But what you actually feel would bring you happiness – and then go for that.

#Joyney34: To bring what you want to life, Andrew suggested we take our end vision and work backwards to understand what we need to do now. Breakdown your goals based on where you are right now and come share the very next step you’ll take with us in the Empjoyment Community!


Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: Andrew Ash!

Andrew graduated from Yale in 2008 with a B.A. in Humanities.
After seven years as a professional actor in New York City, he decided to switch careers, and enrolled in the Software Engineering Immersive at Fullstack Academy.
He just finished his first year as a frontend engineer at Amazon, and he’s so happy he made the move to tech and to Seattle!

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

If you find this podcast helpful, we would greatly appreciate if you took a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to helping new Empjoyees know that this is a podcast that really has their interest at heart. Plus, we read each and every one personally!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes to make sure that you never miss an episode, share the episode with one person you know who would benefit from today’s episode, and let us know if you’d like to share your story as a featured Empjoyee to help others learn from your experience too.

33: There’s Never “The Right Time” to Make a Change (Larry Port – CEO & Founder, Rocket Matter)

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/empjoyment/33-_Theres_Never_The_Right_Time_to_Make_a_Change_Larry_Port_-_CEO__Founder_Rocket_Matter.mp3″ social_gplus=”false” social_linkedin=”true” ]


The tech industry is a wonderful environment for entrepreneurial minded professionals to learn the skills to build their own businesses at some point. But how do you maximize your time so that you’re growing in a way that will maximize your success when running your own business.

Larry Port, today’s featured Empjoyee, illuminates an answer by outlining of considerations that you can begin exploring now on your path to entrepreneurship.


Listen to this episode to hear Larry share:

  • Approaches to convert angry and difficult customers to raving fans
  • Considerations for several items of interest when starting a company including funding (self and venture capital), ownership structures, and scaling your business over time
  • Suggestions on how to make the most of your time working for others while you’re preparing to start your own company

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Look for role models in your place of work and consider whether you would enjoy having your career lead to where they are right now
  • Take action and you believe in yourself and can see an true opportunity and a clear path to success in your idea . Others may not have the same enthusiasm towards your team, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth pursuing.
  • Explore working with smaller professional organizations (e.g law, accounting) that can provide more dedicated and hands-on service for your growing business.

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

Larry encouraged us to take 3 steps to move forward in our Empjoyment journeys this week, starting with writing down a plan.

#Joyney33: Start creating your plan for your business and/or career and share a picture of the work you’re doing with us in the Empjoyment Community! Works in progress allowed!


Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: Larry Port!

Larry Port is CEO and Founding Partner of Rocket Matter, the leading cloud legal practice management and time and billing application.

After leaving the entertainment industry, Larry built his development skills through various technology experiences at Morgan Stanley and Ultimate Software. Larry become a founder and CEO of Rocket Matter in 2007 when he launched the first version of the software.He contributes to several leading Legal Industry publications, including and also conducts free monthly webinars on emerging topics for attorneys.

Larry has build a wonderful life with his wife, two children, two dogs, and a cat.

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

If you find this podcast helpful, we would greatly appreciate if you took a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to helping new Empjoyees know that this is a podcast that really has their interest at heart. Plus, we read each and every one personally!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes to make sure that you never miss an episode, share the episode with one person you know who would benefit from today’s episode, and let us know if you’d like to share your story as a featured Empjoyee to help others learn from your experience too.

32: Rejection is not a reflection of you as a person (Amanda Oliver – Content & Brand Strategist, OrionCKB)

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/empjoyment/32-_Rejection_is_not_a_reflection_of_you_as_a_person_Amanda_Oliver__Content__Brand_Strategist_OrionCKB.mp3″ social_gplus=”false” social_linkedin=”true” ]


Amanda Oliver shares how she remained fearless after submitting 2000 applications and 260 interviews and still getting passed over.

This episode is all about how you can move past your own personal “rock bottom” to experience a role where your unique talents are recognized, appreciated, and valued.


Subscribe to listen to this episode as we discuss how to:

  • Determine your transferable skills from a prior role, industry, company to your new opportunity
  • Utilize several tools to get clarity on how to figure how that you want from your work experiences
  • Trust your intuition without guidance and a detailed call to action from your manager

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Remaining fearless in the midst of rejection and difficult times empowers you to choose the direction of the next chapter in your life and work.
  • Trust yourself– you know what you’re looking for out of your work experience, so just go for it
  • Always bring your past experience and skills to the table – when you operate from your full self, your unique genius and value-add has room to surface.

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

Amanda encourages use to do what it is that makes us forget about everything else and implores us to be honest in that process. We also discussed a number of different ways to answer that question for yourself?

#Joyney32: What is one tactic that you will use to identify what you truly love, so you can do more of it at work? Share it with us in the Empjoyment Community!


Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: Amanda Oliver!

Amanda is a 30 year old proud Millennial and is known for her colorful personality. After being let go for refusing to take a $15,000 pay cut, she pursued her dream of writing as a career path.
She now works for OrionCKB, one of the leading direct response ad agencies, and actually, truly enjoys going to work.
Because she realized that many others were stuck in joyless jobs, she began a side hustle to help them not only figure out what they should be doing, but also how to help them land their dream job.
Since she clearly hates free time, she also freelance writes for Canva.com and handles social media for two other websites. 
When she’s not keeping herself busy, Amanda enjoys reading for fun, traveling with her husband of almost six years, fostering dogs, and spoiling her own pup, Talulah Belle.

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

If you find this podcast helpful, we would greatly appreciate if you took a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to helping new Empjoyees know that this is a podcast that really has their interest at heart. Plus, we read each and every one personally!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes to make sure that you never miss an episode, share the episode with one person you know who would benefit from today’s episode, and let us know if you’d like to share your story as a featured Empjoyee to help others learn from your experience too.

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