11: Turning a 7 year Gap into Tech Career Success (Adele Sanchez, VP of Partner Success)

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Q: How do you transition into tech when you’ve had a long gap in US employment or have been out of the country for a while?

A: Use what you did during that time to your advantage by incorporating it into your story and your differentiated value proposition.

Our featured Empjoyee, Adele Sanchez did just that as she shares in today’s conversation. This is not intended to be an over-glorification of the gap period, as Adele took steps to make an impact during that time.

Instead, we encourage you to explore how Adele positioned her experience abroad and leveraged it to to her advantage when she returned to the US. And now, you’ll have the opportunity to shape your experiences in a way that works to your advantage too.


Listen now to learn how Adele:

  • Hires and develops career changers with non-technical backgrounds to career success
  • Leverages her 7-year gap living in Bangkok to obtain a job in tech during one of the worst US employment markets
  • Navigates a career that started as a gate agent at an airline to growing with an organization

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Don’t overlook your network when it comes to getting your first role in tech – you’ll be surprised where your next referral may come from
  • Identify the key aspects of what you are looking for your next work experience (high growth? doing a specific type of work? achieving a certain lifestyle) and make sure your goals align with the opportunities
  • Consider every part of your career and life journey as an asset as you’ll never know if the think that you feel would hold you back the most is the key differentiator for a potential employer.

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

“There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.” – John F. Kennedy

Adele encourages us to open ourselves to opportunities throughout your career journey. Let’s explore how that could come to life for you and the other Empjoyees.

Your Joyney: Tell us about a time when you allowed yourself to just be open to the possiblibilities that presented themselves in your career including the results of making that decision within the Empjoyment Community.


Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: Adele Sanchez!

Adele Sanchez has had many lives in the tech space. From the Dot.com days to the current SaaS platforms, she’s seen many iterations of the Customer Success team and has held different roles within it.

When she took a break from tech to live and work abroad, she gained an understanding and experience that would be invaluable, allowing her to re-enter the tech industry with a new lens. She has since been a teacher and a mentor to many others and that’s what success means to her.

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

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our Conversation Continues...

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