Activate your Diversity and Inclusion Program When Needed Most (Live Conversation Today)
Activating your D&I Program When it’s Needed Most
At 7 pm Eastern tonight (June 24), my friend and colleague Margaret-Ellen Christensen and I will be holding a candid coaching and consulting conversation with leaders in organizations who are looking to activate their Diversity and Inclusion Program When it’s Needed Most.
Register here:
The Question IS the Invitation
In the midst of a global pandemic, we are also taking systemic racism and inequality head on across the globe.
Similar calls to action are being made of companies and leaders by employees and customers alike.
So the question becomes:
How do you answer the call and activate the resources in your organization to rise up to the occasion?
Challenges to answering (or even hearing) the call
It can feel quite daunting especially during times of
a) great uncertainty.
It’s hard to make the right decision during stable times, let alone now.
b) great social unrest.
It’s hard to address difficult topics and systemic racism in all its forms within your organization in stable times, let alone now.
c) great fear for doing the wrong thing – or not getting it EXACTLY right.
it’s hard to say or do something related to identity without offending someone or being called out in stable times, let alone now)
d) great accountability in recognizing just how much work may be needed
It’s hard to be confronted with how much injustice others around you face simply to be in the same conference room as you in stable times, let alone now.
We get it. We’re navigating it ourselves. And have navigated it in through our experiences as People Experience Consultants.
So we’re creating a space for you to bring your real-time, real-world challenges and opportunities to the surface for consulting, coaching, community today at 7 pm Eastern.
Register here:
Answering the Call for Justice with your Employees and Customers
Margaret-Ellen and I led a presentation to a global audience of leaders earlier this month where we laid out the foundation of overcomes the challenges and obstacles leaders face in being meaningfully responsive during times of crisis.
Whether your D&I program is fully robust and persistent or just getting off the ground and ad-hoc, we have experience helping leaders activate their people, programs, and projects in a way that meets the needs of those they serve.
During today’s conversation, we’re going to work with a handful of leaders on their real-time and real-world challenges to help them activate what’s needed for their organization in a tailored fashion.
Join us tonight at 7 pm Eastern
Register here:
One more thing…
Niiamah here – and I need to say that I’m incredibly excited for tonight’s experience.
Margaret-Ellen and I worked together in at tech company in NYC where were served as People Experience consultants.
It was literally our job to look after the experience of the employees of a global organization -> from cultivating our culture, to championing our values, to supporting leaders within our diversity and inclusion ecosystem.
And now we’re able to come back together to serve you in the most powerful and meaningful way that we can.
If you or someone you know is looking to really activate your organization’s D&I program, come join us today at 7 pm. It’s free but you will need to invest your energy and trade in your comfort for a transformative experience.
Join us tonight at 7 pm Eastern
Register here:
“I am an angry black man” – Confessions of my guilty secret
I am an angry black man.
(This one’s for me)
This is the guilty secret that I’m been afraid people will find out.
This is the secret that I’ve been afraid of ejecting me from being an accepted Outlier to a rejected Outcast.
This is the secret that informs my actions as an entreprenuer and a leader.
This is the secret that I have to make public now, so that I can be free of the burden and energetic drain it takes to hide it from others.
For what’s coming next, I need to allow myself to step into that which has been uncomfortable and frankly unsafe for me in the past.
And now trust that I have built the tools to navigate the wilderness of the frontier of change.
This one’s for me.
I published this in June 2020 to express and share my lived experience as a black man and the fears I had around being labeled as a black man as well. Sharing it publicly is a part of my process – In owning and declaring the things I felt most vulnerable about, I removed the power it had over me.
I share it now because many people have reached out to tell me personally how it has impacted them. A part of me wants to bury this in the corner of the internet. The other part of me, the part that longs to be free , knows that it has already served its purpose for me. Now, I share it in case it’s of service to you.
I welcome a conversation about this at any time. You can reach out to me directly ( .
Are you looking to share your story with the world unapologetically and constructively? Join our Trailblazer Tribe, so we can support you with all that comes along with being the leader who does.
I also organize experiences for my community of socially and globally concious leaders who are stepping up to shape the next era of humanity by taking on the complex problems of the world.
The Hidden Gift of Your Limitation
Outlier Gina Smith is a successful and busy sales executive who is in the process of translating and transitioning her experience through the lens of helping individuals. The problem is, Gina really doesn’t have a lot of time between the demands of her job and the pursuits of her personal life. At least that’s what she believes to be the problem.
Join us today as we explore how Gina can leverage her biggest problem and transform it into one of her gifts.
As Your Journey Continues
Consider for yourself how you can transform an area that’s currently bringing you stress and turn it into something that can bring you joy and excitement.
Become the Chief Soul Officer of Your Life, Business and Movement
Today, you get to meet corporate rebel and Chief Soul Officer, Shelley Paxton. Author of Soulbbatical: A Corporate Rebel’s Guide to Finding Your Best Life. Shelley is the former Chief Marketing Officer of Harley Davidson Motorcycles, a brand so iconic and meaningful that people literally tattoo it on their bodies.
If you have a story, a message, or a movement that you need to bring to life and are unsure of how to navigate sharing your message unapologetically, you’ll want to listen to this entire conversation.
Shelley shares how she navigated telling her story given that other people were involved and honestly her response surprised me, she is just as real in this conversation as she is on every single page throughout her story.
I also coach her around what’s next for her given that she has now brought her book to life, and it’s out in the world. Specifically, around how she can remain true to her nature, as her message builds its own momentum. Where we get to through this conversation, it is far deeper than what’s presented.
As Your Journey Continues:
Will you choose courage over comfort in order to have the desired impact?
Wholistic Success and Excitement (Live Coaching Niiamah Ashong)
As pioneers, we strive to achieve the next level.
A reality once achieved, quickly becomes the norm and we find ourselves wanting to get the next goal. This never-ending cycle keeps the game we are playing quite exciting. However, it can also cause the scales in some other areas of our lives to become a little imbalanced.
So, how do you as an Outlier, Maverick or Pioneer achieve wholistic success in all aspects of your life?
Today’s conversation features a fellow Pioneer and Maverick, Vicky Vaswani, who is a top player in his field as he defines for us what success is according to him and navigates what his next level of success would include.
Your Journey Continues:
How would you define success in your life? As you watch this coaching conversation, take time to ask yourself those questions and see what wholistic success would look like for you.