
Energy Behind Hustle and Flow – Nemo Ashong (Live Coaching Conversation)

In my discussion with  Dr. Sarah Coxon an experienced ex-archeologist, she gives her definition of the word hustle and brings insight to the pressure that comes with the term. Society has made it seem like if you aren’t getting results, you aren’t focused enough, and yet what she and others out there want is to feel free to achieve a flow that makes everything happen in a seamless motion.


How do you achieve that flow? 

Why is the hustle to be considered as bad while we consider the flow considered good? What if we are able to merge the two in a way that allows for that expansiveness and freedom we all desire?  

As you watch this discussion, consider this; What is the energy behind your hustle? What is the energy behind your flow? How do you make them align? Where does the alignment come in? 

Choice within Judgement (Live Coaching Niiamah Ashong)

We live in a world where diversity sets us apart and can at times cause judgment. As pioneers, being different is part of the game. Our aspirations to create sets us apart from the rest of the world. This coupled with past experiences and daily challenges can bring about internal and external criticism that can cause us to stagnate in our current playing fields. 

During this conversation with high performing pioneers Stacy and Kai, we openly embrace where they are vulnerable in life and explore the judgments that may be hindering their growth.


Over at Outliers, Pioneers, and Mavericks, we understand that to really make an impact, we need to own more of who we are. We need to bring all the cards to the table, even those that seem out of this world. You will find that those desires that seem unattainable may be the very reason why there are judgments within your playing field. 

In the Outlier to Trailblazer community (https://www.facebook.com/groups/empjoyment/), Niiamah has created a safe space for every one of his clients so that no idea is ever frowned upon.  Instead, ideas are embraced and brought into the realm of possibility. Come on over and join our community to brainstorm and discuss your ideas in a safe environment.

Aligning internally to act on your desires (Live Coaching Niiamah Ashong)

When you figure out what that next level is, you need to align yourself with it. Today we look at the prospect of obtaining your desires by living in the possibility.

Today we are joined by a member of our community, Karen Grant.  During this session, you watch as she receives the epiphany she needed to expose her path to her next level. Her excitement is palpable as she eagerly finishes the conversation to move forward with what has just been uncovered.

Your Journey Continues:

Think about the possibilities that you could be living into and what are the problems that you could go ahead and fix? What if, while living your possibility you find out that the problems you were looking to fix are very minuscule?



Changing how we Solve Problems as Visionary Leaders

Problem-solving is a learned skill which we all have to grow into. Today’s video talks of a new way to solve problems by choosing acknowledgement over understanding.
Video Synopsis and Additional Links
I’m watching a video right now that is based on two things: belonging and education. This video was talking about some of the challenges that are involved when it comes to identity and how some of our word choices can create some feelings of not belonging within education.

A Unique Approach

One of the panelists talked about choosing to acknowledge the challenges that are there but then move toward the vision of what you really wanted.  I thought that was really unique. He went on to mention Obama and it got me thinking a little bit about what he did that was able to create and bring people together in such a way.  So it just got me thinking about the distinction around acknowledging and understanding.

The Distinction

Where that has taken my mind is to a distinction around problem-solving versus possibility generated. I find that overall we are a society that really values problem-solving. We give it money and time in an attempt to find a solution. On the other side of things will be more like the possibility generated side of things which would be, okay I am creating something new in the world. It’s different from what we’ve already experienced it may not be a solution to a problem but a new way of looking at this that makes the problem that we’re all facing right now completely irrelevant.

My Approach

I am a problem solver and when I get into the problem-solving mode, I am constantly looking to understand why this is an issue. We typically can spend a lot of time just trying to understand the problem which is great. A lot of my coaching revolves around belonging. At the end of the day, I’m finding ways for leaders to feel more comfortable with whom they truly are so they can bring out their unique gifts in the world whether it’s in the workplace, society or a community. I really just work to help them be able to feel comfortable with all of that. When it gets down to it a lot of times where we can spend an entire hour looking to understand the problem and even in our understanding it hasn’t changed all that much. Maybe it’s because the problem itself even with the solution wouldn’t get us to where we really wanted to go.

Try This

Today I want to just bring this up here from a different perspective: what if we didn’t need to understand but instead choose to acknowledge and continue to move forward with that knowledge? I’m playing with this here so as to make sure that in our conversations based on how we move forward, we have as many tools as possible within our toolkit. From an inclusion standpoint, I want to be one of the people out there that can openly share a different way of solving problems. My way of solving problems is to make them completely irrelevant. Sometimes I choose to acknowledge something and continue to move on versus acknowledge and then choosing to understand it deeper. This is an emergent thought right now and over time it will continue to codify and see itself out there. In very real terms this is my school and I want to make sure that as these thoughts are coming out you get a chance to hear it firsthand. I’m really looking forward to your thoughts on this. On to your next frontier…journey on.

What Recurring Thoughts Drive You?

“Yes, you can!” No, this is not the Obama slogan although the man had a point. We often find ourselves faced with recurrent obstacles that challenge our minds before we set out to engage. Today’s video talks of how to use those doubtful thoughts as a driving force.


Video Synopsis and Additional Links

Today I wanted to share with you how transformative the last few weeks have been for me. Lately, there’s been a shift which has come in terms of a recurrent thought. A question/statement that has been driving me for years.

One of the things you might know about me is that I have been a young leader who has excelled in a lot of things very quickly. I consider myself to be an outsider of most things that I do. It is part of the reason why inclusion is such a big value for me because I somehow learn how to thrive being on the outside.

To be honest it wasn’t that I learned how to be isolated and alone, no, I learned how to be different and almost protective of how different I am.

A Recurrent Thought

I have been able to integrate that in a lot of different ways but there was a question/ statement that kept coming to mind. This recurrent thought drove a lot of what I did. It drove me to see myself as an outsider and it has served me quite well up until this point.

Before I share this thought, I would like to just pause and give you a chance to reflect. What is that thought that keeps coming to your mind as you go out and pioneer in your own world or keeps you from pioneering?

For me, that statement that kept coming up is: “I am not supposed to be here”. This has done wonders for me because it has allowed me to be able to take a stance and say: “I am not supposed to be here and because I am here anyway, it is a bonus and there’s nothing I can do right or wrong”.  Today I want to give you a chance to reflect on your own recurrent thought.

A New Thought

Recently, I had two mastermind conversations where I got codes from my mentor twice in the same day and essentially what ended up happening was that I realized I no longer needed to try to be who I was.

A new sensation was born: “you can do that?!” That right now is the thought that runs through my mind and it has replaced the “I’m not supposed to be here” sentence.  To be honest I don’t know how it is going to change things because I feel like I’m coming from a different place. I feel that for this part in my journey this is the more empowering place to be. It’s will guide the way that I show up for each of you.

This is the first live video that I have made specifically within the Pioneer oasis as opposed to just generally outputting it out to the world because: “I can do that!” I am able to look at that and find areas where I can inspire and surprise myself and others.

As I exercise my freedom, my North Star is now pointing in the way that triggers that particular question, Why not:

  • Start a podcast
  • Have multiple means of coaching people
  • Make a retreat in Bali
  • Triple your income within two years of leaving your professional job

Question: “You can do that?”

Answer: “Yeah, yeah you can!”

I’m going to be coming from this place, pioneers because this is for you. As pioneers, these thoughts may be frequent and how we let them shape our world is important. I just wanted to give us a little bit of time to get some perspective on that.

Guide the Lens

What would be a more empowering thought that can help and guide what drives you? Guide the lens that you look through things? Leave a message in the comments. Let me know what your thoughts are and we’ll go ahead and continue to build on this.

The Gifts of being Triggered

We are all unique beings with talents that set us apart. Unfortunately, some of us may not have discovered their strengths and today’s video looks to correct that.
Video Synopsis and Additional Links
I just had a wonderful coaching conversation where I was coaching a client of mine who is a pioneer. This is someone who is incredibly powerful and has 25 years of experience working in their industry. In our conversation, something showed up that has been recurrent in a lot of my coaching conversations with others. It made me want to come out here and share this message that is around exploring the gifts of being triggered. We live in a world where typically we are out there telling ourselves: “this thing triggered me”. We get annoyed, angry or hurt and we actively take the time to avoid it or get into the place where we just allow the triggering to take place. I have spent my whole life as an outsider and have been able to create a lot of success in leadership, growth, abundance, and joy. Things also trigger me and what I found useful for other pioneers is that when things trigger, rather than being defensive or angry about it, there’s a different stance that I take.

Look for the Gift in Being Triggered

Today I want to talk about the gift of being able to figure out your unique strengths. This thing gives you what I like to call that 100x impact (10 times a result for 10 percent of the effort). As a pioneer a lot of what you’re doing is shooting out, going forth and creating something new for people to explore and experience. You are creating something that others aren’t doing. That exposes who you are, what you know, your credibility and your confidence. It puts you in a place where you are visible and with that, you might experience fear. One of the things I like to do is to speak that fear into existence. The aspect of being triggered allows you to see something about yourself that you may not have even known. Presently I can easily be called on to give a speech at any moment: like “Niiamah there are these people here, give a speech”! I’ll be honest, for the longest time, this would annoy me because I would be like Why:
  • Do I need to give a speech
  • Can’t you give a speech
  • Can’t you do this
  • Does it always need to be me

What do others see in you

Do you have something in you which prompts people to keep asking the same things from you? Well for me it was speaking and out of these annoying situations came out my real gift. I realized that I can walk in at any given time, situation or topic and as long as I have a crowd I can just talk. Talking is not all there is, while it is an important part of my gift, there is something more. There is a way my message is received due to my connecting with the audience. I do not need to be afraid of getting in front of people and sharing. I can just give myself the space to really go forth and share a message from a place that is heartfelt, real and open. There’s something about that there that I didn’t realize was actually a unique strength of mine.

Evaluate Yourself

I want to raise your awareness around your triggers and to offer you a different way of looking at them. Rather than being upset because of the various ways you may be triggered, give yourself a chance by asking a different question. That is to look at the situation as someone shining a light onto your special unique gift. I have noticed that it is hard for us to actually see our strengths.  The fact that it triggers you says something. It means that it is important because there are a lot of things that happen around you where you just don’t even notice. That is a clue that you are stepping into what is actually a unique strength.

Dealing With the Triggers

Today I want to offer you a way to deal with those triggers. Whenever someone says something that triggers you, slow down and just say these two words: “thank you”. E.g. Thank you that feels good to hear or thank you I didn’t know that about myself. Etc. When people were saying things like: “when you walk into a room you light up the room” my response would be, “thank you, I have no clue what I’m doing. Would you mind telling me more because this seems to be important and I don’t know enough about it so I love to hear about it from your perspective”. This has transformed the way that I’ve shown up for myself and it has allowed me to now know that when I walk into a room I can do it with all the energy that I want. When i step into a room, I know I am providing service this is regardless of how dead quiet the room is. I don’t have to feel bad about it because I know that I am sharing one of my greatest gifts with them. I didn’t know this until someone told me.

A Different Approach

I want to offer this to you: slow down and see the gift in being triggered. As pioneers, we are leaders who may have risen quickly in our careers and at the same time, we may have this hidden feeling of being an outsider. If we don’t take the time to really absorb and receive the gift of what is triggering us, we won’t be able to reach our true potential. We won’t be able to see the true things that make us unique, and we’ll spend our time struggling to fit in. There’s a gift in being triggered and part of that gift can help you figure out what your unique strength is. Go ahead and leave a comment I would love to know any thoughts that you have from this video. Know that your journey is important what you’re doing is important. When people make you feel a certain way in their comments or requests, please pay attention to it. We need you to be more different we need you to be more you. Onto your next frontier…journey on

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