Is all the inforamtion you have keeping you from achieving the next level?
I Am An Angry Black Man – Real Talk Real Time
I am an angry black man. (This one is for me)
This is the guilty secret that I’m been afraid people will find out.
This is the secret that I’ve been afraid of ejecting me from being an accepted Outlier to a rejected Outcast.
This is the secret that informs my actions as an entrepreneur and a leader.
This is the secret that I have to make public now so that I can be free of the burden and energetic drain it takes to hide it from others.
For what’s coming next, I need to allow myself to step into that which has been uncomfortable and frankly unsafe for me in the past.
And now trust that I have built the tools to navigate the wilderness of the frontier of change.
This one’s for me.
What are You Here For?
How do you ensure that whatever you do is aligned to your purpose?
2QA Tool – Daily Daistinction
What insights do you get from eploring the questions presented by your peers using the 2QA tool?
Leading During Challenging Times
How are you as a leader showing up during these uncertain times?
Negative vs Neutral Vs. Positive – Daily Distinction
How do you view the situations happening around you?