How is spending time with people who you can only relate to on the surface level benefitting your true self?
“To Predict The Future, Create It.” – Real Time Real Talk
What’s the future you are creating right now?
How Do You Bring Your Gifts and Talents in the Diversity and Inclusion Space? – Real Time Real Talk
How Do You Bring Your Gifts and Talents in the Diversity and Inclusion Space?
What’s Your Hidden Superpower? – Daily Distinction
What’s Your Hidden Superpower?
What’s the benefit that you get by keeping it hidden?
Building Your Courage Muscle
How do you go beyond a trailblazer to a world changer?
What does it mean to build your impact in a way that is beyond you?
Last Time You Allowed Messy – Daily Distinction
What are you allowing to keep you from enjoying the freedom that comes with being messy?