What’s one area in your life where you are letting short term goals get in the way of long term aspirations?
Freeing Your Voice vs Finding Your Voice
Where in your world are you working hard to find your voice?
What if you simply allowed yourself to do what is being called from you and speak what is naturally being called to be said, how would that impact the way you show up? Also, how would it contribute to your mission?
How Can You Eradicate Something If You Are Not Willing To Be Radical?
Is there a cause that you are passionate about and you would like to eradicate?
What would that process look like for you?
What’s Your Jam? – Real Time Real Talk
Where do you thrive at and what might be hindering you sharing it with the world?
The World is Ripe for the Shaping
What’s stopping you from shaping your world as you desire?
Update Your Assumptions – Daily Distinction
What are the assumptions you hold that need to be updated for the reality that you live in now?