I want _______ but at the same time, I fear it because I feel ______ will happen as a result.
You’ve Changed – Real Talk Real Time
This 2-word phrase is one I simultaneously :
CRAVE to hear as recognition of growth, authenticity, and playing a bigger game
SCARED to hear as it represents rejection and no longer being accepted. A not so subtle warning that I might lose those who have been my friends, peers, and community should I continue down the path.
Have you experienced the “You’ve Changed” tension? What’s on the other side of it for you?
What Scares You about being Seen – Daily Distinction
How is that fear benefiting you on your journey?
Leading Through a Change Cycle
The world has been plunged into unforeseen circumstances that are requiring constant change.
Truth be told, we are in a change cycle, and yet thought leaders, we have to also show up differently and continue leading.
So how are you as a leader choosing to show up during these times?
Difficult vs Important – Daily Distinction
Are you avoiding Important conversations by tagging them as difficult?
Embracing The Unseen Inner Journey
We all are on a journey.
It comes in two parts; the outer and visible journey which comprises of our accomplishments, results, and the impact that we are known for, vs the inner journey which no one gets to see yet it has a tremendous effect on the outward journey.
So, who do you need to become on the inside in order to achieve the external results?