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What’s Your Next Level?

As Trailblazers, you're choosing your own unique path to success at a whole new level.
These resources will give you the courage and guidance to blaze a brave new trail.

27: Keep Taking Swings to Achieve Fulfillment in Life and Work (Michael Mayer – Growth and Development, Betterment)

What do you do when you know you’re working at a company that you love and whose culture and mission you resonate with, but you know you’re ready for the next stage in your career. How do you navigate the switching roles and teams within your organization. And just as importantly, how to you subside your own doubts of your experience when attempting to make such a move.

Given the rapidly-changing growth oriented environment that is the beauty of tech, being able to move into your next role in technology can often feel just as challenging as getting into your first.

Mike Mayer, our featured Empjoyee, shares how he has approached changing teams internally and that impact that it’s had on his Empjoyment. And that’s important as he uses each change as another learning opportunity to move him closer to his ultimate goals in work and life.

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26: Practice Mindfulness to Adapt Quickly in Rapidly Changing Tech Environments (Nitya Shekar – Learning and Development Manager, AppNexus)

One of the most dynamic aspects of the tech industry is the regular shift in organizational structure, priorities, and/or teams that occur as the business positions itself to best accomplish it’s objectives and meet market demands.

Navigating all of that change from both a personal and professional standpoint can be difficult to say the least. Today’s featured Empjoyee, Nitya Shekar, sheds some light on how she’s been able to incorporate a daily practice of mindfulness to stay centered and adapt amidst a world of ambiguity and change.

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25: Moving Past No’s to Reach your Objective (Claudio Vallejo – Product Designer, Managed by Q)

Let’s be real, rejection isn’t pleasant. Often times, just the prospect of facing rejection is enough for us not to take action at all! But as high-performer coach Rich Litvin says “No isn’t the destination, but it is the path”.

Lucky for us, our featured Empjoyee Claudio Vallejo followed the path of No’s to land him in a type of role where he’s able to solve the types of problems that excite him through product design. Find out more about his journey, his outlook on design, and his suggestions on moving past rejection to get what you really want in life and work.

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24: Volunteer with Non-profits to Build your Portfolio and Impact (Beth Awalt – Communications and Social Media Coordinator)

It’s tempting to construct and fall into a trap of feeling that you need to get a job in a space before you can actually start building your skills in it. We tell ourselves that we need “someone to take a chance” on us, so we can then build the skills to do the job. But we’re Empjoyees and we recognize that it starts with “us” taking a chance on ourselves. Believing enough in our skills or the development of them such that we can add value to the world now, without waiting on permission or a paycheck to make that happen.

That’s how Beth Awalt, our featured Empjoyee made her transition into the tech industry. By the time Beth was ready to find empjoyment through tech doing communications and social media, she had already organized a national campaign on a social media channel with tens of thousands of followers… through her volunteer efforts in her spare time. Beth takes the time to walk us through how you can also gain meaningful experience contributing to causes that you’re passionate about today.

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23: Stand Taller with Technology and Purpose to Create Value you Believe in (Matt Plaks – Product Outreach, Temboo)

Join us as Matt Plaks shares how you and others like you can start getting involved now with opportunities in the growing space of the “internet of things”. From a personal and professional development standpoint, you’ll also gain strong insight into carrying out each day with purpose even when the opportunities may not seem to exist in your current role.

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