
Are you Winning the Comparision Game?

Is it serving you?

Come join a group of your peers where you will meet the most intimidating yet inspiring people out there and let’s propel one another forward.

The Myth of the Out-In-Front Leader

As a leader, are you showing up as who they expect you to be, or are you bringing out your unique leadership style?

Want a chance to be served in deep meaningful conversations that open you up to different perspectives? Join our next Complementary Collective Experience

What Feedback Feels like a Personal Attack?

What if you glazed over the offense, allow yourself to really listen to them and see what they are seeing, how would this look like for you?

Want a chance to be served in deep meaningful conversations that open you up to different perspectives? Join our next Complementary Collective Experience

3 Seconds of Courage

What if 3 seconds of courage turned out to be all you needed to make an impact?

Want a chance to be served in deep meaningful conversations that open you up to different perspectives? Join our next Complementary Collective Experience

Want to join our Melting Pot conversations in Fall of 2022?

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Looking for clarity and confidence? What you need even more is COURAGE

Put in your email to get this 5-day mini quest to support you being more courageous!