Where do you thrive at and what might be hindering you sharing it with the world?
The World is Ripe for the Shaping
What’s stopping you from shaping your world as you desire?
Update Your Assumptions – Daily Distinction
What are the assumptions you hold that need to be updated for the reality that you live in now?
Whose Job IS it then? – Real Time Real Talk
I am often told it’s not your job/responsibility to educate white people on racism or being black.
Then whose job is it then? Now I get it, clearly, it’s the job of the person asking.
But my thing is that I don’t have 3+ years for you to do all the research needed to be able to feel like you can contribute to the system of oppression I experience on a regular basis.
I need you in the game like 3+ years ago. So, I post this in exploration of a better solution or even more exciting, a new possibility on how to address that.
Post some honest questions and thoughts on this in the comments below. I am REALLY curious about your take on it.
Leading by Example vs Leading by Expertise
How do you as a trailblazer feel like you need to show up?
Do you feel like you need to show up with all your credentials or are you willing to go the actual journey and show people how to navigate challenges as they come along?
Are you willing to lead by example even if it’s messy?
I Couldn’t Hide If I Tried – Daily Distinction
You couldn’t _______ if you tried.