Niiamah Ashong

Trailblazer Tribe Connection: Hidden Superpower (2020.04.03)

Session Timestamps
0:01 – Welcoming the Community

7:15 – Community Introductions

21:23 – Establishing Agreements

29:23 – Breakout Room 1 Questions: Belonging

33:50 – Breakout Room 1 Debrief

42:17 – Invitations to Upcoming Community Gatherings

45:07 – Stretch Break

45:48 – Breakout Room 2 Questions: Possibility

50:09 – Breakout Room Debrief

Last Thursday, 20 Trailblazers came together from all over the world, for an experience of deep connection and community.

Most of the people didn’t know each other. And even fewer had any real idea about what would be taking place during the time together.

All they knew was that I was inviting some of the “most interesting, intimidating, and inspiring people I know to create a deep and intimate community experience where you’ll leave energized, aligned, and connected to yourself, others, and your higher purpose”.

Watch the replay for how the conversation took place:
+ What was done to create space and safety in advance?
+ What struck you or surprised you the most about this experience?
+ What is one thing this brings to mind that you’d like to bring into your leadership?

6 Questions we explored:
1) What are you proud about regarding the way you’ve shown up in the last 2 weeks
2) What are you confident about in the current space
3) What are the crossroads that you find yourself at right now?
4) What’s your HIDDEN superpower
5) What does the world need most right now?
6) What do *I* need most right now?

Developing Your New Formula for Success and Growth

I’m oh so glad to share this conversation with April Cunningham. She is a trailblazer who left a coveted software engineering job at a very notable company in order to start two businesses and make impact her way. She has done extensive work in personal and professional development with a high degree of self-awareness and a track record of taking on things successfully, things that once scared her.

In this conversation, she finds that the approaches which used to guide her are no longer working for her. She is ready for something new but doesn’t know how to approach it given where she is now and what has worked for her in the recent past.

As Your Journey Continues

Watch this conversation for it is all about ending a chapter in your life and recalibrating your engine for success and growth towards what will take you to the next level of impact.

How is Comparison keeping you from being a more impactful leader? (Live Coaching w/ Niiamah Ashong)

Are you holding yourself back because:

  • you feel doubt while others look confident?
  • you feel unsure while others look like they have clarity?
  • you feel afraid of failing while others look always succeed?

I know these specific comparisons because they are persistent inner thoughts of mine.

But I know I’m not alone with these thoughts . And you’re not alone either.

Trailblazer Erin Baker shares her inner journey to blazing her own unique trail while navigating failure, career changes, committment, and the journey to becoming a leader and coach to social impact entrepreneurs.

We often compare how WE FEEL on the INSIDE with how OTHERS LOOK on the OUTSIDE.” – Rich Litvin

🧭RSVP to Blaze Your Own Trail Now at the next Outlier to Trailblazer Tribe experience:

Be more you everyday because you are a gift to the world. Game on!


P.S… Ready to play at your next level? Here are 3 ways we can help you increase your income, influence, and impact:

  1. Play at your next level with our curated small-group coaching program:  If you’re ready to be the least interesting person in the room, and to reap the rewards of visibly showing up in your life and business as yourself, we should talk.  Learn More
  2. Immerse yourself in a community of safety and bravery: Join 12 leaders in NYC or Singapore for 2 days of intensive deep-dive coaching exploration to create more impact, influence, and income in your life and business. Learn More
  3. Be coached by me 1:1: Take your life and business to your next level with me as your personal coach. My clients invest $30K–$100K to transform their life, leadership, and culture in their business. If you’re ready to lead your tribe and move your movement, we should talk. Learn More

Life, Death, and Rebirth of Niiamah Ashong

Today I have a story for you.

It’s the story of Niiamah Ashong.

It’s a story unlike any other story you have ever heard…because it’s my story.

It’s a story unlike any other story I’ve ever told… because I don’t know if I’ve ever *really* told my story before.

I share my story because I know first-hand the doubt and fear that can secretly exist when you feel you don’t belong even when (and perhaps especially when) you have created the same levels of conventional success as others.

I share my story because it had always felt dangerous and unsafe for me to simply be me, and I now I have access to the safety, peace, and freedom that comes from being fully myself.

And I CHOOSE to share my story, because when you own your story, you come to know without a shadow of a doubt that while you may have to walk your path of world-changing leadership alone, you no longer have to feel lonely.

I will never fit-in. And for that I am now grateful, because I now belong to myself. I am the one and only Niiamah Ashong – and it’s precisely because of that that I can change the world.

Listen to the story of the Life, Death, and Rebirth of Niiamah Ashong

And then Leave a Comment to A) tell me about your experience of hearing this story and B) share with me a part of your story – the you and only you can tell.



I’m serious. I don’t care how long it takes for you to listen or how long/short your response is when you hit REPLY. Owning your story is an important part of the journey from Outlier to Trailblazer – and it starts now. I’m reading and responding to every reply that I get because your story and who you are is important.

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