
Powerless vs Empowered vs Powerful

As an individual, do you feel powerless, powerful or might you be in the neutral space of waiting to be empowered?

Whatever space you are in, what action are you taking to ensure it serves you right?

Racism-20 During Covid-19: Questions, Doubts, and Debates

Join us on Monday, June 1st at 8pm Eastern for “Racism-20 during Covid-19”: An Open Forum

RSVP here :

If you’re questioning, doubting, or debating whether you are welcome / should participate in today’s experience, you are not alone. 

Over the past few days, a number questions came up surfacing doubts about whether an individual should participate in a conversation around racism at this time. 

If you’re debating joining today’s Racism-20 during Covid-19: An Open Forum…

1) You are not alone
2) That is one of the reasons you should come.

Join the Open Forum:

If you’re debating if you should invite your friends/communities because you’re not Black or not American..

1) You are not alone
2) That is one of the reasons you should invite them

Join the Open Forum:

If you’re thinking “It’s not my place / It’s not my issue to talk about”…

1) You are not alone
2) Your voice is important; your viewpoint is important; your visibility is important; your presence is important. Racism is all of our issue – and if we’re being silenced around it, then who does that serve?

Join the Open Forum:

If you’re thinking “Is it even helpful to talk about it? Will conversation actually change anything?”

1) You are not alone
2) We are all on our individual journey of taking on injustice, though we choose to do it together.

For some, this will be the first time they are hearing new perspectives.

For others, the first time they are sharing their lived experiences.

And for others, they’ll realize they’re done talking and want to take their own aligned action.

Even if this helps only 1 person activate their impact even just .0001%, it will be worth it.

Come for what you want. Leave with what you need.

Join the Open Forum:

If you’re thinking “does my experience even matter / are my thoughts/feelings even relevant”?…

1) You are not alone
2) While I have an answer for this, this is something that only you can discover by taking the risk to find out.

(hint: you wouldn’t be asking yourself this question if there wasn’t something you had to offer)

Join the Open Forum:

If you’re debating , “It would seem like I’m being insensitive or ignoring the issue if I participated / shared my thoughts”…

1) You are not alone
2) We live in a socially connected, globally-connected world. What affects one of us, affects all of us.

Trust that you’ll be in a space where we will hear our story through your story.

Trust that you being you and being real is something universal that can impact 1 person during that conversation – even and especially if that person is you.

Join the Open Forum:

If you’re questioning, “Am I the only one who feels this way/ sees things this way/ ______”….

1) You are not alone.
2) I know this for a fact, because each of these questions are questions I’ve been wrestling through myself.

I question whether my experience matters – living as a black man in Singapore, safely away (actually both safe and away) from the daily latent fear of being a Black person in America

I question whether a conversation will even change anything. And I’m resolute in knowing that for me, at this time, creating space for difficult conversations amongst strangers and community is my vehicle of change.

I question whether I’m being insensitive to the pains / creating a “safe enough space”, by making the topic about Racism and not just inviting, but welcoming global particpants and non-black participants.

(What I don’t want you to know about me is that I question whether I even know enough black people for this and whether I am the person to hold space us all.

I don’t enjoy writing this, but I cannot let these insecurities hold me back from serving in the world.)

I question, I doubt, and I debate myself throughout all this.

That’s one of the reasons that I feel so passionately about being in this space with you.

Because I know that I am not alone. What I feel, You feel. And together, we can make a change – even if it’s just by .0001% for just one person.

Join us on Monday, June 1st at 8pm Eastern for “Racism-20 during Covid-19”: An Open Forum

RSVP here :

Please share this experience with ANYONE else you feel will be served by sharing, voicing, and/or witnessing lived experiences together.

I love you all

The power of your story.

Have you ever questioned whether your story is important, impactful or influential enough to share with the world? Perhaps you’ve asked yourself, who am I to share my story? Or maybe you’ve simply compared your story with others and thought it was not powerful enough.

But what if your story was meant to change the life of one person in our world?

Today we get a chance to spend time with Theran Washington, a Trailblazer who has had multiple chapters in his life, time and time again. He has embodied the unconventional success of an underdog.

As Your Journey Continues

Listen to Theran’s inspiring story. As you’re listening, see how his story mirrors your own and imagine the impact of getting your story out for everyone out there who doesn’t feel like their story has room to exist in the world or someone who feels alone because they have never told their story.

Transform Your Message and Expertise to New Audiences

 In this conversation with Trailblazer Susana Denia, we explore what it is like to create a new path even when you feel good about the level of success that you’re currently creating for yourself. We explore how to translate your experiences into a brand new arena. How to take your message and have it be received and understood by a different group of people whom you’d like to share it with and serve. 

Throughout the conversation, listen to how Susana lays out her own approach of translating her message to a brand new audience even when she doesn’t realize that she’s saying it. This conversation will help you grow more aware of your unique approach to doing something similar. 

As Your Journey Continues

You may be enjoying success in your current field but something still feels amiss. What is that message or skill that you would like to transform for the sake of a different demographic?

If You Want to Move Others First Move Yourself

Today, we get to share in Trailblazer Robin Eaton’s journey. Robin is a former law enforcement officer whose journey has helped her develop gifts and skills through a number of different dimensions. This powerful person finds herself in a place where she is looking to leverage her skills through the lens of a powerful message. We explore that message and go to a place far deeper and far more central and personalized to Robin’s unique message. 

It’s just like my coach told me, “If you want to move others, you first have to move yourself.”

As Your Journey Continues

Are you willing to go deep enough and be vulnerable enough to allow yourself to be moved? 

Harnessing Your Unique Path to Success

How would life be different for you if you were able to understand, identify and apply your most effective approach to creating change and impact? 

Today we spend time coaching trailblazer, Gilad Karni, who has spent his life as a professional basketball player. He is now bringing his skills and gifts off the court to coach people in life and business. Throughout our discussion, Gilad gets to see part of his special formula, his unique approach and how to navigate in times of uncertainty and arriving victorious even when he’s an underdog. See if you can spot Gilad’s special approach to success as he shares his stories. 

As Your Journey Continues

What makes you and your team most effective with the least amount of effort?

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