
31: Focus on Solving Problems that Interest You to Find Joy in your Tech Career (Elan Greenberg – Senior Manager, DoorDash)

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/empjoyment/31-_Focus_on_Solving_Problems_that_Interest_You_to_Find_Joy_in_your_Tech_Career_Elan_Greenberg_-_Senior_Manager_DoorDash.mp3″ social_gplus=”false” social_linkedin=”true” ]


Are you struggling to find a role with responsibilities where you feel you’ll really be able to experience enjoyment through employment? Perhaps you’re not sure about what your passions are, or what your purpose is.

One thing that differentiates Empjoyees who are experience enjoyment through employment is a deep connection to the problem that they are solving through work.

Learn from Elan Greenberg, our featured Empjoyee as he shares how he has been able to frame his empjoyment experience around the lens of a challenge that inspires him.


Listen to this episode to hear Elan share:

  • His lessons learned from his transitions from the Marines to Investment Banking to Senior Manager at DoorDash, a fast-growing technology company focused in on-demand delivery
  • The methodical approach he used to structure his job search and systematically identify the companies and people he wanted to solve interesting problems with
  • What empjoyment means to him and how identifying that has kept him engaged in his work

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Adapt to your new environment faster by accessing what actions you should keep, leave, or add from your previous work experience to your new company culture (Elan recommends participating in Affinity Groups and Employee Resource Groups to help make that transition)
  • Regardless of your role, title, and past experience, seek to add value through servantile leadership and providing disproportionate value to the people and customers you serve
  • Identify and validate your constraints for your next role search with people currently working in tech and ask deep questions to get a sense of their empjoyment and the types of problems you’d be solving

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

Elan broke down his framework for identifying the best opportunities for him to find empjoyment in his career.

#Joyney31: What is one deep question that you have asked/will ask someone to during a coffee chat to get a better understanding of the role, company, and problems you can solve? Share it with us in the Empjoyment Community!


Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: Elan Greenberg!

Elan Greenberg attended Cornell University on an NROTC scholarship and began his career as a Logistics Officer in the U.S. Marines.

After 5 years on active duty, and after earning an MBA from NYU, he worked at Morgan Stanley as an Investment Banker in the Mergers & Acquisitions Group.

Elan is now a Senior Manager with venture-backed DoorDash where he is responsible for business operations and logistics across the greater New York market. He remains a drilling reservist in the Marine Corps Reserve.

Elan guiding motto comes in the form of a stanza of a poem. The poem is captured below.


Somebody said that it couldn’t be done
      But he with a chuckle replied
That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one
      Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
      On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
      That couldn’t be done, and he did it!
Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;
      At least no one ever has done it;”
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat
      And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
      Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
      That couldn’t be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
      There are thousands to prophesy failure,
There are thousands to point out to you one by one,
      The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
      Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
      That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

If you find this podcast helpful, we would greatly appreciate if you took a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to helping new Empjoyees know that this is a podcast that really has their interest at heart. Plus, we read each and every one personally!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes to make sure that you never miss an episode, share the episode with one person you know who would benefit from today’s episode, and let us know if you’d like to share your story as a featured Empjoyee to help others learn from your experience too.

30: If You’re Not Happy, Change it! (Jess Bertling – User Experience Developer, NewBoCo

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/empjoyment/30-_If_youre_Not_Happy_Change_it_Jess_Bertling_-_User_Experience_Developer_NewBoCo.mp3″ social_linkedin=”true” ]


What do you do when you’re in a role and company that once brought you empjoyment, but now the magic has died down due to changes in your organization and industry.

Our featured empjoyee Jess Bertling has a one solution: If you’re not happy with your situation, then CHANGE IT! During today’s discussion, you’ll hear Jess share how she changed her situation at least 2 times, once to incorporate more enjoyment in the role that she currently had and again to find a new company that met the needs she had identified for her next level of empjoyment.


Listen to this episode now to learn how to:

  • Pilot your own side project that both builds experience in areas you want to grow in and benefits your organization
  • Navigate the structure of the development platform GitHub used by developers worldwide
  • Identify resources available to help you make your next career transition, regardless of your location and professional background

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Unlike other professionals, tech professionals aren’t paid to know all the answers in advance, but rather are paid to figure out how to find those answers
  • Take the time to do the difficult task of figuring out what you want out of work and life to increase your chance to experience your empjoyment
  • Avoid the trap of comparing yourself and your situation to others to better manage self-doubt and the imposter syndrome (note: it’s possible that it will never be eliminated, but you can certainly still accomplish what you want despite it)

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

“There’s no right way to do the wrong thing” – Unknown

#Joyney30:   Go forth and teach someone something (ANYTHING) and come back and share how that experience was for you within the Empjoyment Community.


Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: Jess Bertling!

Jess Bertling is an avid gardener who loves to help things grow – especially ideas.

After receiving her degree in Digital Media and Design, she spent eight years in e-commerce specializing in user experience design and front end web development.

She now works with the nonprofit NewBoCo, where she builds products for tech startups and teaches web development at the DeltaV Code School.

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

If you find this podcast helpful, we would greatly appreciate if you took a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to helping new Empjoyees know that this is a podcast that really has their interest at heart. Plus, we read each and every one personally!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes to make sure that you never miss an episode, share the episode with one person you know who would benefit from today’s episode, and let us know if you’d like to share your story as a featured Empjoyee to help others learn from your experience too.

28: How to Align your Work with what’s Truly Important to You at Your Core (Dorianne St. Fleur – HR Business Partner and Career Coach)

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/empjoyment/28-_How_to_Align_your_Work_with_whats_truly_Important_to_you_at_your_Core_Dorianne_St._Fleur_-_HR_Business_Partner_and_Career_Coach.mp3″ social_linkedin=”true” ]


One of the challenges to experiencing empjoyment each and every day is knowing what it is that will actually bring you that level of satisfaction.

People come across their means of finding enjoyment through employment through a variety of ways, yet at the end of the day though, having clarity on what brings you joy in life and at work lays the foundation for the rest of your experience.

Dorianne St. Fleur, our featured Empjoyee, shares the process and questions she utilizes to empower others, especially women, to navigate their careers and be fulfilled at work by first understanding what it is that they want at their core.


Listen to this episode now to learn how Dorianne:

  • Navigates the transition from being a top performer in her role in the finance industry she knew well to finding her way to similar levels of success in tech
  • Shares how “fast-paced” work environments have differed throughout her experience in tech industry and finance
  • Empowers women to take charge of their career and obtain the career fulfillment they are working towards

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Take the time this week to figure out what is it that you want to be doing and the reason why that drives that choiceour career journey
  • Align with what it is at your core that you want to be doing versus tying your next move to a specific role, title or company
  • Be open and honest with yourself and vulnerable with the people around to share what you are struggling with and obtain feedback, support, and advice

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

“I don’t gamble but the one thing I’m willing to bet on is myself” – Beyonce

#Joyney28: Come share with us as detailed a description as you’ll allow youself of what you would like to be doing to experience empjoyment and why that would bring you joy within the Empjoyment Community!


Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: Dorianne St. Fleur!

Dorianne St Fleur graduated from Spelman College in Atlanta, GA in 2005 with a bachelors of arts in Psychology.

Dorianne started her career in Sales & Trading Operations at Goldman Sachs before making a switch to their Human Resources.

She’s since gone on to work in HR departments at other global banks and as of November 2016 has transitioned into the HR team at an advertising tech company.

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

If you find this podcast helpful, we would greatly appreciate if you took a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to helping new Empjoyees know that this is a podcast that really has their interest at heart. Plus, we read each and every one personally!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes to make sure that you never miss an episode, share the episode with one person you know who would benefit from today’s episode, and let us know if you’d like to share your story as a featured Empjoyee to help others learn from your experience too.

27: Keep Taking Swings to Achieve Fulfillment in Life and Work (Michael Mayer – Growth and Development, Betterment)

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/empjoyment/27_Keep_Taking_Swings_to_Achieve_Fulfillment_in_Life_and_Work_Michael_Mayer_-_Growth_and_Development_Betterment.mp3″ social_gplus=”false” social_email=”true” ]


What do you do when you know you’re working at a company that you love and whose culture and mission you resonate with, but you know you’re ready for the next stage in your career. How do you navigate the switching roles and teams within your organization. And just as importantly, how to you subside your own doubts of your experience when attempting to make such a move.

Given the rapidly-changing growth oriented environment that is the beauty of tech, being able to move into your next role in technology can often feel just as challenging as getting into your first.

Mike Mayer, our featured Empjoyee, shares how he has approached changing teams internally and that impact that it’s had on his Empjoyment. And that’s important as he uses each change as another learning opportunity to move him closer to his ultimate goals in work and life.


Listen to this episode now to learn how to:

  • Navigate moving to a new role within your company (aka internal mobility) in a way that continues to grow your career and move you to your ultimate goals of empjoyment
  • Apply an entrepreneurial mindset to your work and side projects
  • Become knowledgeable in a new field in a relatively short period of time

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Take the time to listen to your heart, your gut, your intuition, your sixth sense, whatever it is that you may call it, and trust it enough to guide you in the direction that will best serve you currently.
  • Your time is valuable, so make sure you’re taking the time to work on the things that matter to you most.
  • Define your intentions and desires for work and life and adopt a spirit of transparency so you can openly create and explore opportunities in your current or next company to feel fulfilled

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

“Take Swings” – Mike Mayer’s Matra

Mike’s suggestions for moving forward in your journey were so simple, you can implement within 15-30 mins and make meaningful progress in your journey. We’ll all should have at least 30 minutes available to pursue fulfillment in our life and career, so let’s take action on that today.

Mike’s Simple Steps for the next 7 days

  • Step 0: Define what you want out of your next career experience
  • Step 1: WRITE IT DOWN!
  • Step 2: Reach out to 3 people that know even a little more more about what you’re looking to accomplish
  • Step 3: Ask for and act on their recommendations on where to continue from there.

Your Joyney: What do you truly want out of your next career experience (e.g. What type of environment? What type of problems are you solving? What type of people are you working with). Come share your thoughts on this within the Empjoyment Community using the hashtag #joyney27 so we know what we’re all truly striving for in this next stage of Empjoyment!


Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: Mike Mayer!

Mike Mayer is an entrepreneurial minded marketer focused on building consumer facing brands.

As a Venture for America Fellow, Mike co-founded a non-profit to teach entrepreneurship to underprivileged middle schoolers in New Orleans while working at a market research tech startup.

He now helps Betterment, a venture backed tech company,  launch new products and services. Mike graduated summa cum laude with a B.S. in economics from The Wharton School

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

If you find this podcast helpful, we would greatly appreciate if you took a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to helping new Empjoyees know that this is a podcast that really has their interest at heart. Plus, we read each and every one personally!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes to make sure that you never miss an episode, share the episode with one person you know who would benefit from today’s episode, and let us know if you’d like to share your story as a featured Empjoyee to help others learn from your experience too.

26: Practice Mindfulness to Adapt Quickly in Rapidly Changing Tech Environments (Nitya Shekar – Learning and Development Manager, AppNexus)

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/empjoyment/26-_Practice_Mindfulness_to_Adapt_Quickly_in_Rapidly_Changing_Tech_Environments_Nitya_Shekar_-_Learning_and_Development_Manager_AppNexus.mp3″ social_linkedin=”true” ]


One of the most dynamic aspects of the tech industry is the regular shift in organizational structure, priorities, and/or teams that occur as the business positions itself to best accomplish it’s objectives and meet market demands.

Navigating all of that change from both a personal and professional standpoint can be difficult to say the least. Today’s featured Empjoyee, Nitya Shekar, sheds some light on how she’s been able to incorporate a daily practice of mindfulness to stay centered and adapt amidst a world of ambiguity and change.


Listen to this episode now to learn how to:

  • Incorporate mindfullness into your daily activities (without having to add a brand new meditation practice)
  • Design impactful experiences based on best practices Nitya has discovered first-hand
  • Adapt to constantly changing work environments so you can navigate shifts in priorities, team structures, and budget and focus on the work that you need to get done do in the midst of it all

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Explore one-on-one coaching opportunities for your career to get insight into your current actions and establish actionable plans to realize the possibilities that are available to you
  • Train the focus muscle of your brain by starting a practice of mindfullness rather than “mindlessness” by simply choosing to take note of things taking place during your everyday activities.
  • Establish the lifestyle, work environment, and type of people you want to work with by design from the onset when looking to move to the next stage of your career journey

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

“If you want it, it is wanted” – Nitya’s Coaches Training Institute 

Nitya’s recommendation to help Empjoyees take action in the next 7 days was to .

  1. Identify 1 project that you know would move you forward in your journey that you’ve been putting off starting for one reason or another
  2. Break it down into the various parts/steps that would be needed to accomplish it.
  3. Commit to taking the 1st step today to just get started

Your Joyney:  Come share with us the project you identified, this first step to making progress, and when you commit to taking that 1st step over in Empjoyment Community.  (use the hashtag #joyney26 so we can continue to share no matter when you see this!)


Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: Nitya Shekar!

Nitya Shekar works in Learning & Development at AppNexus, designing and facilitating programs focused on “smart skills,” including emotional intelligence, team effectiveness, good management, and personal and professional growth.

Originally from Houston and now a full New Yorker, she is also a certified leadership coach and consultant. Her background is in Psychology (Rice ’07) and Law (Harvard ’10).

Nitya is passionate about the mind sciences and hopes to branch into neuroleadership, mindfulness for business, and other brain-based human capital work. She LOVES working in tech! Her other interests include performing improv at Magnet Theater, singing her heart out, and traveling the world.

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

If you find this podcast helpful, we would greatly appreciate if you took a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to helping new Empjoyees know that this is a podcast that really has their interest at heart. Plus, we read each and every one personally!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes to make sure that you never miss an episode, share the episode with one person you know who would benefit from today’s episode, and let us know if you’d like to share your story as a featured Empjoyee to help others learn from your experience too.

25: Moving Past No’s to Reach your Objective (Claudio Vallejo – Product Designer, Managed by Q)

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/empjoyment/25-_Moving_Past_Nos_to_Reach_your_Objective_Claudio_Vallejo__Product_Designer_Managed_by_Q.mp3″ social_linkedin=”true” ]


Let’s be real, rejection isn’t pleasant. Often times, just the prospect of facing rejection is enough for us not to take action at all! But as high-performer coach Rich Litvin says “No isn’t the destination, but it is the path”.

Lucky for us, our featured Empjoyee Claudio Vallejo followed the path of No’s to land him in a type of role where he’s able to solve the types of problems that excite him through product design. Find out more about his journey, his outlook on design, and his suggestions on moving past rejection to get what you really want in life and work.


Listen now to learn how to:

  • Leverage a series of roadblocks to grow as a designer and build the skills that can lead you to your next role
  • Approach your next product design project from inception to completion through a step-by-step process
  • Describe the difference between product design and user experience design

TL;DL (Too long; Didn’t Listen): 3 Actionable Takeaways

  • Take the time to find projects and activities that you like and use that to fuel you going forward
  • Find mentors and good friends who won’t tell you what you want to hear but rather what you need to hear, so you can address the root causes of your challenges
  • Improve your collaboration skillset and mentality to increase your value as a product designer

But wait there’s more! Share your #1 takeaway with today’s featured Empjoyee and other Empjoyees in the Empjoyment community!

From Insight to Action

“Own your mistakes” – Claudio Vallejo

Claudio had very simple and straight-forward advice for action for you to take this week. Let’s take the time to do it, and then come share what we learned.

#Joyney25: Have a conversation with someone who is a designer, whether it’s someone you know, another Empjoyee, or someone you will talk to for the first time share with us one insight from that conversation within the Empjoyment Community.

Additional Resources to Accelerate your Growth

Getting to Know Today’s Featured Empjoyee: Claudio Vallejo!

Claudio Vallejo is a product designer at Managed by Q working on making it easy to run and manage an office.

Claudio was born and raised in Northeastern Mexico and studied business at Baylor University where he discovered his passion for design.

Prior to joining Q in New York City he was freelancing as a web designer and developer in Mexico and worked for Parámetro as a web designer.

Spread the Joy to Help Others Experience Empjoyment

Kudos to you for taking another step towards experiencing enjoyment through employment through today’s episode.

If you find this podcast helpful, we would greatly appreciate if you took a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to helping new Empjoyees know that this is a podcast that really has their interest at heart. Plus, we read each and every one personally!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes to make sure that you never miss an episode, share the episode with one person you know who would benefit from today’s episode, and let us know if you’d like to share your story as a featured Empjoyee to help others learn from your experience too.

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