Niiamah Ashong

Where Can You Practice Being Yourself with Others?

What’s keeping you from practicing what you’ve been learning?

Want a chance to be served in deep meaningful conversations that open you up to different perspectives? Join our next Complementary Collective Experience

When You’re too Exhausted to Continue…

What do you need to do to re-energize yourself in order to keep going?

Want to be a part of a group of Trailblazers like yourself who keep forging on regardless of the challenges? Come join us in the next Complementary Collective Experience

The Benefit of Simply Showing Up.

Do you have an experience where the fact that you simply showed up, served another in a way you didn’t expect? Engage us in the comments.

Want to join a safe space where you can practice the freedom of showing up as you desire? Join our next Complementary Collective Experience

Leveraging Past Experiences into Future Aspirations

What part of your past experience can you leverage to bring even more into your current world?

Want to know more about how to leverage your skills/talents and be rewarded for it? Come join us in the next Complementary Collective Experience

Want to join our Melting Pot conversations in Fall of 2022?

Put in your email to join the waitlist and be the first to know about our Melting Pot conversations

Want to see your world in a different perspective everyday?

Put in your email to receive daily emails with a powerful distinction to challenge and elevate your thinking!

Looking for clarity and confidence? What you need even more is COURAGE

Put in your email to get this 5-day mini quest to support you being more courageous!